Pig Heart - A Preserved Specimen for Dissection Reviews
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Pig Heart - A Preserved Specimen for Dissection Feature
- Preserved Pig Heart For Dissection
- Inquiry Based Pig Dissection Surpasses Anything
- That Students Can Learn From Print Or Pictures
- Standard Formalin Pig Heart in Vacuum Sealed Bag
Use pig dissection as an important part of your inquiry based instruction to encourage students to think critically. Because pig specimens are larger than, for example, frogs, they are ideal for students working in pairs or in small groups and their internal structures are typically easy for students to locate and identify. Dissecting a pig presents a real learning experience that far surpasses anthing most students can have from words or illustrations alone.
Please Note: Our preserved pig organs were not raised for the purpose of dissection. They are a byproduct of the pork industry. Most of the organs would be discarded were they not reutilized for educational purposes.
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Mar 08, 2011 18:32:04
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